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  • Admin Guide
    The Admin Guide  contains instructions and reference information to
    administrate a ScientificCMS installation. It is focused on Red
    Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora Linux distributions but may be
    used for other Linux distributions or Unix operating systems as
    well. It also contains some hints for working on the Windows
    operating system.
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  • User Guide

    The User Guide provides an overview about the Content Management System ScientificCMS and the usage of ScientificCMS from the viewpoints of differant users.

    The User Guide is only available in German yet.

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  • System Installation, Upgrade and Maintenance (IUM) Guide

    The System Installation Guide describes all the steps necessary to initially install ScientificCMS onto a server system. This includes among others the selection of an appropriate bundle, the corresponding system prerequisites, and a step by step instruction.

    Another part describes ongoing maintenance and system tuning, specifically the integration of a dedicated WEB server.

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