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ScientificCMS is based on the Java Standard Edition and the Java Servlet API. ScientificCMS runs in a Servlet Container e.g. Apache Tomcat or an Application e.g. JBoss. ScientificCMS is based on the OpenCCM Framework and its specifically designed to manage large and complex content. It includes version control, archive function, defined work processes, safety features, style sheets, templates and much more.
  • Accessibility
    The default presentation layer produces HTML which is matches the requirements of the Section 508 and the WAI specifications. more »
  • Archive
    The CMS includes a system to save older versions of content items, enabling you to rollback if necessary. You can view the differences between versions. more »
  • Category System
    Creates organizational categories for content items, which are browsable and searchable. more »
  • Resusable Content
    All content, including text, images and ifles and be used at different points in the system more »
  • Form Builder
    The CMS includes a form builder wizard for creating online forms like contact forms. more »
  • Integrated Authoring Environment
    An easy-to-use form-based interface produces structured content, which includes text, images, hyperlinks, and so on. Content creators add information within fields, which prevents incorrect structure and formatting, and can upload content from other applications, such as Microsoft Office and OpenOffice. more »
  • Lifecycles
    The CMS has a highly flexible publishing model for managing content lifecycles, enabling users to schedule publishing and removing of content items, and their durations and date ranges. more »
  • Managing Users, Groups, and Roles
    The CMS can help you manage an unlimited number of groups, users, and roles in a simple, coherent way that is fully integrated with the access control system. It provides role-based permissions at multiple levels including content item granularity, supports integration with LDAP authentication, and provides security and permissions for groups and users. more »
  • Multilingual
    The CMS has native support for managing and syncing content in an unlimited number of languages. All static strings in the CMS are globalized, enabling easy localization. Content items are grouped into content bundles, which enables you to publish a single piece of content to different languages. more »
  • Multiuser authoring
    Users can create, edit, and modify the content they are responsible for while others are working on their items. The CMS tracks which users are working on specific items and prevents other users from making simultaneous modifications to the same piece of content. more »
  • Multitenancy
    One instance of ScientificCMS can handle multiple websites. Each can have a complete separate set of users, groups and roles. Also each site can use a totally different design. Content can be shared between multiple sites. more »